Get in touch
IBC Services
“Stevmar House”
Suite 101, Rockley
Christ Church
Barbados BB15137
Contact Us
T: +1 (246) 436-1221
C: +1 (246) 266-6443 (Whatsapp)
F:+1 (246) 436-7394
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Trademarks Registration, Business Names and Patent Registration
Some of the jurisdictions where we create companies are Barbados, Panama, Uruguay, Hong Kong, Luxembourg, Singapore, Netherlands, St. Lucia, Nevis, Belize, BVI, Seychelles, Samoa, Spain And Others.
The type of companies include Limited Liability Companies, Captive Insurance Companies, Limited Companies, Trusts, and Foundations, among others.
We also offer corporate secretarial services, which include meetings with directors and proprietary shareholders.
We communicate with our clients in either English or Spanish, however we handle translations for all documentation in English, Spanish, German, French and Portuguese.
IBC Services
“Stevmar House”
Suite 101, Rockley
Christ Church
Barbados BB15137
T: +1 (246) 436-1221
C: +1 (246) 266-6443 (Whatsapp)
F:+1 (246) 436-7394